[theora-codecs] Call for bugs and suggestions [One more try]

dan miller danbmil99 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 23 09:37:18 PDT 2003

I wouldn't assume the On2.com binaries are up to date.  Check out the code from cvs and compile
yourself to be certain you have the most up-to-date versions.

I've suggested before that we should have binaries up at theora.org but I don't think that's
happened yet.

--- Apollyon <spambrat at paypc.com> wrote:
> ARGH.  I'm already "signed up"... what's with this "confirmation"?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mauricio Piacentini (mauricio at xiph.org) wrote:
> > I would like to know what are the main issues people have today with the VP3
> > codecs for QT and AVI. In the near future this could prove very useful when
> > it comes the time to work tools to transcode VP3 content into theora format,
> > or simply to keep existing QT/AVI/DirectShow applications current and
> > optimized for the latest versions of the APIs.
> Yes, I'm seeing odd playback issues with the latest VP3 codec (downloaded from
> VP3.com) installed into Windows Millenium (kept up to date with various M$
> stuff though I have not "upgraded" to DirectX 9.0a) running QuickTime 6.1 Pro.
> I've installed both the AVI and QuickTime codecs, by the way (just today).
> Issue: When I playback VP3 content via QuickTime (created on a Macintosh), I
> can only playback the video at 1:1 (320x240).  Attempting any other size
> results in "no video" (the QT Player content area goes white), though the sound
> continues to playback.  Disabling ALL of the "DirectDraw" options in QT doesn't
> alter this behaviour.
> I don't have any AVI VP3 content to test as a contrast... all I can (easily)
> find is Quicktime-VP3 content, which is understandable... it's playable by more
> people.
> =R=
> PS: I've emailed Mauricio directly - if you wish to reply, please avoid using
> HTML emails.  They are filtered completely.
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