[Speex-dev] Decoding only a certain frame results in different values than when decoding the entire file

Hermann Weber hermie.weber at gmx.de
Fri Dec 23 14:32:37 PST 2011

When I already decoded something, and the decstate is not erased or 
reset, shouldn't that be sufficient to decode other frames with a good 

For example, when I have decoded 30 frames without decoding the previous 
frames, the sound quality may not be too good, but afterwards the 
decoder should (in my opinion) be in a "good" state.
But when I decode other frames afterwards, it is as if I did not decode 
anything before...
Can someone explain this?

Does the decoder need to have decoded the adjacent previous frames or is 
it sufficient that the decoder has just decoded anything?

Thank you.

Am 23.12.2011 20:49, schrieb Hermann Weber:
> My file is 3 hours long, so decoding takes around 5 minutes on an
> average computer.
> That is a bit too long unfortunately...
> Am 23.12.2011 20:38, schrieb Steve Checkoway:
>> On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:54, Hermann Weber<hermie.weber at gmx.de>   wrote:
>>> And how many frames does Speex need to "recover"?
>>> Or is that not predictable?
>> No idea. My guess is not predictable. You have all of the data, why not decode it all?
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