[Speex-dev] having trouble building on Mac OS X 10.5

Silvia Pfeiffer silviapfeiffer1 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 14:37:49 PDT 2009

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote on Feb 27 21:19:46 PST 2009:
> Stephen Bannasch wrote:
> > I'm getting this error trying to build speex on MacOS X 10.5.6:
> >
> >    ./configure: line 21256: syntax error near unexpected token `FFT,'
> >    ./configure: line 21256: `  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFT, fftw3f)'
> Why are you compling from Git? If you grab a release tarball you should
> never see an error like that.
> If you really must compile from Git then you need to have pkg-config
> installed ( http://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/ ).

I ran into the same problem on my new MacBook - compiling from source
doesn't work unless you have pkg-config installed.

You have two options - and if you are a developer, I'd recommend the first:

1. Install darwin ports: http://darwinports.com/

This will make your life as a developer easier because you can install
packages from the command-line.
To get pkg-config, you do: "sudo port install pkgconfig".

2. Install pkg-config from source: http://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org/releases/
Go through the usual configure;make;make install sequence.
You will have it in /usr/local/bin/pkg-config .

On top of either, you may also need to re-run the autogen.sh script to
get aclocal to find the m4 macros.
For me, I needed to add "-I /usr/local/share/aclocal" to the ACLOCAL_FLAGS.

Hope this helps anyone running into the same problem. Basically it's
part of getting set up to do linux-style development on your box. :-)


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