[Speex-dev] SPEEX on iPhone ?

Vincent Burel vincent.burel at vb-audio.com
Tue Nov 11 23:26:13 PST 2008

ok, thanks for these precision, and do you have some measure about CPU load
i really would like to get a general idea about the power of the iPhone's
ARM and know what kind of charge i can expect for a Speex encoding/decoding
in real time (basically 20, 50, or 80% ?).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Hogan" <david.hogan at freshtel.net>
To: "Ashhar Farhan" <farhan at phonestack.com>; "Vincent Burel"
<vincent.burel at vb-audio.com>
Cc: <speex-dev at xiph.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 7:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Speex-dev] SPEEX on iPhone ?

I can confirm that it will run in real time on iPhone if you compile
with FIXED_POINT defined; it will also run in real time if you have
FLOATING_POINT defined and disable 'Compile for Thumb' in the target's
build settings in xcode. Wideband works too.


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