[Speex-dev] MKL Patch

Thorvald Natvig thorvald at natvig.com
Tue May 27 08:11:24 PDT 2008

And here's a patch for Intel Math Kernel Library. This allows commercial 
users of Speex to use a high-speed FFT library that isn't GPL'd. (You do 
need to pay for it though). This is 3 times faster than the default FFT 
in speex, and also faster than FFTW3 since MKL has native support for 
the complex packing Speex uses.

Since Intel hasn't supplied any pkg-config files, and which libraries to 
use depend on the platform and compiler, this requires a bit of setup to 
get working. For me, the correct configure line is:
bash autogen.sh && CFLAGS="-O2 -g -I/opt/intel/mkl/" 
LDFLAGS="-L/opt/intel/mkl/ -lmkl_intel_lp64 
-lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lm"  ./configure --with-intel-mkl

If you use the intel compiler, you can replace all of the '-lmkl_xx' 
with a single '-lmkl', and if you want threaded support, replace 
mkl_sequential with mkl_gnu_thread. If there are anyone from Intel 
reading this list: Fix your build environments; it's currently way too 
hard to use your fancy tools in a generic package.

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