[Speex-dev] Can Speex frame size be expand from 160 to 320 for NB?

Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at usherbrooke.ca
Sat Feb 16 03:25:27 PST 2008

Dennis Liu a écrit :
> I do want to change Speex frame size to 320. In this case, I've changed
> frame size in init and modes (include framesize and subframesize). However,
> the audio quality becomes bad. 

How surprising!

> It seems something else needs to be changed
> as well. Could you give a clue?

Sure, rewrite modes.c, figure out it's still bad, update nb_celp.c,
retrain a few codebooks, realise it still not that great, give up, just
encode two frames in a row as you should have done in the first place.



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