[Speex-dev] Audio glitches/Configuration problem !!?

oscar lima oscar.youx at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 05:06:37 PST 2007

Hi all,

First of all, thanks to Speex developper for the all the job.

I am trying to implement my own Speex DirectShow fitlers for VoIP following
the documentation and sample code's.
I am facing audio glitches when encoding - decoding PCM data. The encoder
and decoder procedures are copied below.
What about the lookahead size ? how shouw we apply it in encoding stage ?

thanks in advance

bool SpeexEncoder::EncodeData(char * inBuffer, int inSize, char * outBuffer,
int outMAXSize, int* outSize)
    if(!m_Initialized) return false;

    // Copy data into the local buffer
    memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_BufferSize, inBuffer, inSize);
    m_BufferSize += inSize;

    // check if we have enougth data for the encoder,
    if(m_BufferSize < m_FrameSizeInBytes )
        return false;

    // start processing
    short* input = (short*)m_pBuffer;
    char*  output = outBuffer;
    *outSize = 0;
    int tmpBufferSize = m_BufferSize;

    while(tmpBufferSize >= m_FrameSizeInBytes + m_SpeexLookAheadInBytes)

        if(m_Channels == 2)
            speex_encode_stereo_int(input, m_FrameSizeInSamples,

        if (m_SpeexPreprocessState != NULL)
            speex_preprocess(m_SpeexPreprocessState, input, NULL);

        speex_encode_int(m_SpeexState, input, &m_SpeexBits);
        int bytes = speex_bits_write(&m_SpeexBits, output, outMAXSize);

        input += m_FrameSizeInBytes;
        output += bytes;
        *outSize += bytes;

        tmpBufferSize -= m_FrameSizeInBytes;

    // if we consumed data from the buffer, it needs to be rearanged in
order to keep only

    return true;

bool SpeexDecoder::DecodeData( char * inBuffer, int inSize, char **
outBuffer, int outMAXSize, int* outSize)
        return false;

    int remains = inSize;

    char  * input  = inBuffer;
    short * output = (short*) *outBuffer;
    int size = 0;

    while(remains > 0)
        speex_bits_read_from(&m_SpeexBits, input, remains);

        int locRet = speex_decode_int(m_SpeexState, &m_SpeexBits, output);
        if (locRet == -1 || locRet == -2)
           return false;

        if ((remains = (speex_bits_remaining(&m_SpeexBits))/8) < 0)
            return false;

        if (m_Channels == 2)
            speex_decode_stereo_int((short *)output, m_FrameSizeInSamples,

        size += m_FrameSizeInBytes;
        output += m_FrameSizeInBytes;
        input = inBuffer + inSize - remains;

    *outSize = size;
    return true;
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