[Speex-dev] new to speex's!

Jennie Stenhouse error404notfound at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 21:53:23 PDT 2006

Hey all I have been working on a simple VOIP app and have gotten my self
totally confused.
is this the right process to follow? Any tips examples guidence would be
super awesome.

I have my voice data. capturing.
I encoding it so that there are multi speex frames per packet.

on  the reciving end i decode the package i recive.

Yeah it dosnt work at all. :D

this is the code  for the encode.

int PackVoiceData(SpeexBits *bits,int space_avalible_in_packect, int
size_of_data_avalible, int frame_size , void * data_to_pack, char *
destinantion_buffer )

    float frame[FRAME_SIZE];
    int offset= 0;

    float  * data_as_floats;
    short * data_as_shorts = (short *) data_to_pack;
    memset(destinantion_buffer , 0,size_of_data_avalible);
    /// memset(data_as_shorts , 0,size_of_data_avalible);
    int number_of_frames;

    /// clear the space each time.
    int length = space_avalible_in_packect;

    if ( size_of_data_avalible < space_avalible_in_packect )
        length = size_of_data_avalible;

    /// allocate space in memory for the float version of the data.
    data_as_floats = (float *)calloc ( length, sizeof( float));
    number_of_frames = length/FRAME_SIZE;
    for(int i=0; i< length; i++ )
        data_as_floats[i] = data_as_shorts[i];

    /// if size of data avaliable is less than the space avaliable in the
packet figure
    ///    the number of frames from the data avaliable
    speex_bits_reset( bits );
    /// Call speex incode n times before writing the data stream.
    for( int i =0 ; i < number_of_frames-1; i ++)

        /// pack a frame
        for(int j=0; j< FRAME_SIZE; j++ )
            frame[j] = data_as_floats [j+offset];


        // this enoced the data
        speex_encode( encoder_state, frame , bits );
        // increase the offset


    //speex_encode( encoder_state, frame , bits );
    /// write teh stream out.
    int bytes_to_write = speex_bits_nbytes( bits );
    /// transform from float to char* to write. The termination code is
acutomatically added to teh end of the stream.
    bytes_written = speex_bits_write( bits, destinantion_buffer,
bytes_to_write );
    /// return the amount of data writtne.
    printf( "bytes written %d\n" ,bytes_written );
    return bytes_written;


and the decode. ...

int Decode( SpeexBits *bits, char * input_bits, int data_in_length , char *
output )

    float  * out_put = (float *)calloc(  data_in_length,sizeof( float ) );
    int number_of_frames = data_in_length/FRAME_SIZE;
    int offset
    for( int i = 0; i< number_of_frames; i++ )

        // read the bits into the byte stream struct.
        speex_bits_read_from( bits , input_bits, FRAME_SIZE );

        // decode the data.
        speex_decode( decoder_state, bits , out_put);

        for( int i = 0; i < data_in_length; i++ )

            output[i+offset] = out_put[i];


    /// change the floats to shorts so it can be used by the sound out put.

    speex_bits_reset( bits );


my main  loop just caputures and sends and then recives with a wait
function/poll of the open socket.
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