[Speex-dev] Help for documentation

Massimo frag_dz8 at libero.it
Mon Jun 27 10:41:02 PDT 2005

Il ven, 2005-06-24 alle 08:05, Jean-Marc Valin ha scritto:

> Hi,
> As some probably noticed, there are still many things missing in the
> Speex documentation. Given the limited amount of time I have right now,
> help would be really appreciated. I'm sure there are many people on this
> list that have successfully used Speex so far and that would be able to
> contribute to one part or another.

Trust me, I would have proposed this initiative candidating myself since
I lack docs.
However, the component which uses speex is a side-project of the bigger
thing. It continues to be pushed over and over so, the only thing I can
tell you is I hope I'll be able to do this in the near future... I don't
have played speex enough right now to write down something.
In case the speex-based subsystem gets a priority boost then maybe I'll
feel safe enough after working on it. Too bad this is actually a remote


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