[Speex-dev] How to compile libspeex to .lib

J R Cabot aca03jrc at sheffield.ac.uk
Tue Jul 12 07:58:25 PDT 2005


I am probably missing something really simple (since I don't know very much
about compiling or anything) but I am trying to compile the latest version of
Speex (1.1.10) into a .lib file. 

I have compiled it with GCC under Cygwin with -enable-fixed-point and
--enable-static, and have produced a .a file. I want to be able to use it with
eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0. I guessed that I would need to make it a lib file, so
that I could link it with evc++. Is this right? or is there another way of
doing it? If I do need to make it into a .lib file, how do I go about doing

Sorry if I am trying to do something really stupid, but like I said, I really
don't know much about compiling/linking things.



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