[speex-dev] Fixed-point in CVS

Jean-Marc Valin Jean-Marc.Valin at USherbrooke.ca
Wed Oct 8 07:12:25 PDT 2003

> Is there any speed advantage to using the fixed point version on a PC with
> an Intel or AMD processor?
> An advantage would be that you don't have to convert the audio input from
> short to float but what about
> encoding/decoding itself?

With the speed of x86 FPU's, I don't see how the fixed-point would be
faster. Also, speaking of the short vs. float input, these changes (that
will eventually go in 1.2) intruduce a small change in the API in that
signals are how sent to functions (encode, decode, ...) as short instead
of float.


Jean-Marc Valin, M.Sc.A., ing. jr.
LABORIUS (http://www.gel.usherb.ca/laborius)
Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

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