[Paranoia] Ripping CD's with courrupted error bits

Alistair Sutton alistair.sutton at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 15:26:13 PST 2006

On 22/01/06, Curious Hacker <hacker.curious at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to a rip a CD which has "Copy Control" which deliberatly creates
> bad error correction headers. Does cdparanoia ever see these or is the
> damage done to the data before it even gets out of the IDE interface?

I don't know exactly how cdparanoia deals with copy-protected CDs but
I'm yet to come across a single CD that I haven't been able to rip.

Some of them will take longer than others, which could be down to the
deliberate errors, but they all seem to finish in the end.


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