[paranoia] '-P' patch slightly improved!

Mikko Nummelin mnummeli at cc.hut.fi
Wed Nov 5 08:56:00 PST 2003

I will now send a slightly improved version of the '-P' patch, which
differs from the previous one in the following ways:

(1) It is _not_ supposed to affect installation of paranoia-dependent
packages (like MPlayer), even if libraries are compiled from this one.

(2) There are now two separate switches, '-P' which alters the TOC
reading, and '-b' which changes the read command to scsi_read_D8.

The feature that you could arbitrarily choose the read command is still to
be implemented.

The patch is zipped and to be applied to latest version of cdparanoia III.

Do this in cdparanoia:s main directory:

$ zcat ../cdparanoia-III-mn2.patch.gz | patch -Np1 -i -

Test it by doing a static build, i.e.

$ ./configure &&
> make all STATIC=TRUE

$ ./cdparanoia <options>

before attempting to build libraries from it.

<p>Mikko Nummelin
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: cdparanoia-III-mn2.patch.gz
Type: application/x-gzip
Size: 3292 bytes
Desc: Improved TOC-reading patch
Url : http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/paranoia/attachments/20031105/867ada2d/cdparanoia-III-mn2.patch.bin

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