[paranoia] extracting no-audio tracks [Extended info]

David Balazic david.balazic at uni-mb.si
Fri Jul 25 03:53:38 PDT 2003



"CDfs is a file system for Linux systems that `exports' all tracks and boot
images on a CD as normal files"

<p>txemi wrote:
> First of all, thank you for your quick answers.
> I will now describe better the problem I found:
> While looking for backup systems on cd/dvd I found some
> of them that used the cd as a tape, without making iso
> filesystems for data, similar to tape backup systems.
> An example of that is cdbackup available in debian sid.
> What this tools do is creating one new track for each
> full/incremental backup. I think the content of these
> tracks is one tar file itself with some extra information
> at the beginning for the backup program.
> As I do not like rare or non-standar behaviours I wanted to
> test if I was able to extract my backups myself with other
> tools. There I find paranoia claimed to be the best extraction
> tool.
> What I wanted was next:
> - Being able to list all tracks in a cd/dvd in spite of not being
> iso or audio tracks.
> - Being able to extract some of this tracks.
> In think this is easy to do in Windows world (nero...) but i did not
> suceed to do it in linux. I was not able to extract this rare
> tracks with cdda2wav, readcd, paranoia... Grip achieved to list
> this tracks but was not able to extract them. So I supposed
> that it was becouse of sanity checkings failing to recongnize
> audio data and perhaps was possible to extract them using paranoia
> library directly.
> Thanks for your attention,
> txemi.
> --
>  ______________________________
> < hola, soy una firma horrible >
>  ------------------------------
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>             (__)\       )\/\
>                 ||----w |
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> txemi <txemi2 at euskalnet.net>
> web: http://txemi.webhop.org
> mirror: http://txemi2.webhop.org

David Balazic
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq., & "Ted" Theodore Logan
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