[opus] Opus Todo

Willson.Chen willson.chenwx at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 08:19:55 UTC 2019


Thank you for your reply. The information you offered has been very helpful
for me.

It seems that the spec-part-work is to help design a protocol draft.
I am not quite familiar with designing or drafting a protocol now, so
coding job (maintaining opus-tools, for example) is a better choice for me,
I think.

Finally I will expect the comment on the Optimization and Futrue Work

Timothy B. Terriberry <tterribe at xiph.org> 于2019年8月28日周三 上午4:36写道:

> 陈伟旭 wrote:
> > So part of the wiki is out of date? Beside Opus-tools, I also concern
> > about the spec, optimization and future work in wiki. Could you tell me
> > about if they are out of date?
> > On 08/28/2019 00:08, Ralph Giles <mailto:giles at thaumas.net> wrote:
> For the Spec section:
> There is a Matroska mapping, and it has been implemented in Firefox and
> FFmpeg (and Chrome and others). There is an ongoing effort to formally
> standardize Matroska in the CELLAR working group at the IETF. I am not
> certain that much attention has been paid to Opus specifically during
> that process, so contributions there might be welcome. See the working
> group's status page [1] and mailing list [2] for more information.
> There is still no multichannel RTP mapping for Opus. At the last IETF
> meeting in Montreal there seemed to be some interest in an effort to
> finally make one, but I'm not aware of anyone who has started working on
> or published a draft yet.
> The MP4 mapping is currently maintained by the original author at [3].
> There has been some discussion of more formal publication through
> DASH-IF or similar, but I don't think that has gone anywhere yet. This
> has also been implemented in a number of places (Firefox, Chrome,
> L-SMASH, GPAC, FFmpeg, etc.). A notable gap here is for someone to look
> at the changes (if any) needed for Ambisonics support [4].
> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/wg/cellar/
> [2] https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/cellar
> [3] https://github.com/VFR-maniac/Mp4Opus
> [4] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8486
> I will leave Jean-Marc to comment on the Optimization and Future Work
> sections. I know at least some of those things have been worked on.
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