[opus] openssl-dev, libtool, shared vs static

ongaku zettai sergeinakamoto at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 19:11:30 UTC 2019

Hello! Trying to compile, build, install and run Opus.
My config: Ubuntu console (Windows 10 app).
First problem, configure says openssl is missing.
My system says that i have openssl already.
Which openssl does it need?
Using aptitude, i've installed everything with openssl name in it.
That's tons of files and gigabytes of data. But it worked somehow.
Second problem, flac-1.3.2 - autogen.sh says missing program: libtool.
Removed "libtool" requirment from autogen.sh. It solves.
Built opus-tools, but not done yet!
Third problem: opusenc: error while loading shared libraries:
libopusenc.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Same problems i've encountered running original Debian.
Now running "make clean" then "configure --enable-static",
"make" and "sudo make install" for all 6 packages...
opusenc still cannot find libraries... Unsolved.

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