[opus] Opus 1.3 size

Saint Mice saintmice at gmail.com
Sun May 26 18:23:17 UTC 2019

What if I want to build it for an arch that’s not standard and want to remove SILK completely, is that possible?



> On May 26, 2019, at 10:40 AM, Jean-Marc Valin <jmvalin at jmvalin.ca> wrote:
> Aside from compilng with -Os, you'll have to look at the exact pieces
> you're using and remove the others. For example, if you're always
> encoding in SILK mode, then you can remove the CELT encoder (but not the
> decoder if you want to remain compliant). There's a lot of things you
> may not need, but it's highly application-specific, so there's no
> defines for each piece.
>    Jean-Marc
>> On 3/28/19 7:27 PM, Saint Mice wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am working on trying to compile opus to be as small as possible. I have passed the FIXED_POINT and the DISABLE_FLOAT_API but I am looking into making this lib even smaller in size. Where can I find out about how to best strip this lib to only compile in what I need?
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