[opus] Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Possible bug in Opus 1.3

Jan Stary hans at stare.cz
Mon Nov 5 10:32:49 UTC 2018

On Nov 05 11:05:34, hans at stare.cz wrote:
> > Did you also try to listen at the beginning, shortly before the real tone appears in the audible spectrum? While significantly larger, Opus had produced significant ghost noise (much less than Vorbis did)...
> Yes. But given that these are not audible sounds,
> the various codecs might use various strategies of throwing them away.
> I have no solid knowledge of what e.g. Ogg vs Opus does, but I would
> just throw away any frequency below, say, 15 Hz. Maybe they do/don't,
> and this might be the result.

Have you also tried creating a swepp only up to those frequencies?
Say, 1 to 20 Hz? Is the low-freq noise still there?


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