[opus] Antw: AVX Optimizations in Opus

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Thu Jan 21 07:20:21 UTC 2016


AFAIK, there are different version of AVX; maybe clarify which versions you use, and how you detect the availability of the instructions needed. Also you could point out which CPUs are expected to be supported. Also consider that besides Intel there still exists AMD ;-)


>>> "Velea, Radu" <radu.velea at intel.com> schrieb am 20.01.2016 um 19:02 in
<81B494F3CB9BA140BC4E7A506215EB0C5C442CFE at irsmsx105.ger.corp.intel.com>:
> Hello,
> I had talked earlier with 'Timothy B. Terriberry' <tterribe at xiph.org>, about 
> adding support for AVX instructions in Opus, but since he appears to be busy 
> I would like to resend this on the mailing list.
> I've created a pull request https://github.com/xiph/opus/pull/5 to add the 
> testing infrastructure for the changes before adding the actual code.
> A draft for the rest of the code for the AVX functions can be found here: 
> https://github.com/rvelea/opus/commits/workspace. Timothy advised me to break 
> them into smaller commits before trying to push them so as not to break 
> anything.
> If anyone is interested in reviewing this please let me know and I will 
> follow up with the rest of the code via pull requests.
> Thanks,
> Radu

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