[opus] OPUS on bare metal ARM

Stephan Kanthak stylon at gmx.de
Tue Aug 25 02:23:08 PDT 2015

Hi Benjamin,

On 08/25/2015 09:25 AM, Treuillard, Benjamin wrote:
> I’m currently trying to use opus on a ST ARM (STM32F407) without any 
> OS (bare metal).
> The aim of my project is to transmit voice over CAN bus.
I also have a project where I use Opus on an STM32F407 + ChibiOS (still 
bare metal linkage). Data is being send via bluetooth.

> The main issue I have is that opus fail to allocate memory, the ALLOC 
> macro always return a NULL pointer.
> I have sure that I have enough free space to allocate buffers.
Compile Opus by defining -DOVERRIDE_OPUS_ALLOC (I did in Makefile.unix). 
Then you need to provide implementations for opus_alloc() and 
opus_free() in your application. I statically allocate the whole 64KB of 
fast non-DMA RAM of the STM32F407 and manage it as a heap in my 
application just for the Opus codec.


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