[opus] Quality difference between opus_demo.exe and opusenc.exe

Hermann Weber hermie.weber at gmx.de
Mon May 13 10:55:36 PDT 2013

It is not noise, it rather sounds like additional tiny bits of electric.
Like a decent hiss, but if you listen to it for some time, you get crazy.

Am 13.05.2013 19:46, schrieb Gregory Maxwell:
> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 4:24 AM, Hermann Weber <hermie.weber at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I encoded a voice file (48kHz) with opusbin\opusenc.exe with the
>> standard settings and decoded it.
>> The output was amazing. I could not hear any loss at all.
>> Then i encoded the same file with opus_demo.exe and standard settings
>> and then decoded it.
>> The output had a sizzling noise, even when I used full bandwidth.
> Opus_demo does not read and write wav files, it reads and write little
> endian raw 16 bit pcm data.  It's very easy to get the raw format
> settings wrong and get buzzing output like you describe. Without more
> information I cannot offer more advice.
> Opus demo is a testing tool for development and not an end user application.

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