[CELT-dev] Getting CELT to work under Windows

Camille Gonnet camille.gonnet at free.fr
Thu Jun 24 09:53:22 PDT 2010

Hi Ricardo,

I had the same trouble. I didn't solved it, but I managed to cross 
compile it from Linux with MINGW.
So I think using MINGW under Windows should work.
This is not the best solution, but might be enough for a preliminary study.

Best Regards,


Le 24/06/2010 12:31, Riccardo Micci a écrit :
> Hi,
> My name is Riccardo Micci i downloaded the CELT source code and I 
> compiled it under Windows. This is meant to be a preliminary study for 
> my company's project.
> When i run CELT it encodes and decodes the file back saying "Encoder 
> matches decoder!!". When i try to play the output though the result is 
> just noise and clicks.
> The only changes I've applied are some #defines to avoid compiler 
> error (for example my Visual C doesn't support "restrict"...) and 
> automatic loading and saving input and output files.
> Looking at the decoded file with Matlab, i can see the most of the 
> time the result is saturated. Even worse when i use FIXED_POINT 
> define. I also tried to avoid saturation changing the following line 
> in arch.h:
> #define SCALEOUT(a)        ((a)*(1/CELT_SIG_SCALE)) to #define 
> SCALEOUT(a)        ((a)*(1/(2*CELT_SIG_SCALE)))
> The result audio doesn't saturate anymore but it's still completely 
> broken.
> My testvector is:
> freq: 44100
> channels: 1
> I chose: frame_size = 256 and bytes_per_packet = 46.
> Does anybody else have this problem? ?Can someone help me finding the 
> problem?
> Regards
> Riccardo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Riccardo Micci
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