[CELT-dev] listening experiment

Pablo F. Hoffmann pfh at es.aau.dk
Mon Mar 16 06:55:56 PDT 2009

Hi All,

I was wondering whether there have been some listening experiments done 
to test how well spatial information is preserved in the celt signal, 
e.g. comparison of sound localization performance for the original 
uncompressed sound and the celt sound (most probably for different bit 

Best, Pablo

Pablo F. Hoffmann

Dept. of Electronic Systems
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7 B5
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark

Phone: +45 9940 8710
Phone: +45 9940 8728 (direct)
Fax:   +45 9815 2140

e-mail: pfh at es.aau.dk (direct)
e-mail: acoustics at es.aau.dk

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