[ogg-dev] Ogg/Kate preliminary documentation

ogg.k.ogg.k at googlemail.com ogg.k.ogg.k at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 15 02:36:21 PST 2008


I've now uploaded the preliminary documentation on the xiph wiki:

Attached is the current source tree for the libkate library.

The tarball also contains the patch to oggmerge (which you will need
to apply if you want to merge Kate streams with Vorbis or Theora streams)
and the patch to MPlayer to use Kate streams as subtitles.

An example is included - note that the text format used to define the
stream is ad-hoc and the encoder/decoder code very rough and
temporary. No error checking in those tools, the input is expected to
be error free.

I look forward to your comments.
-------------- next part --------------
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Url : http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/ogg-dev/attachments/20080115/592477fd/kate-preview-noexample.tar-0001.bin

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