[ogg-dev] oggPCM for general data

Conrad Parker conrad at metadecks.org
Fri Dec 8 02:10:08 PST 2006

Hi Bill,

I'm not aware of any actual audio tools that support OggPCM, but at
least the headers can be read by OggDSF, liboggz and HOgg -- so you
can get some diagnostics on such files, which might help with
debugging your application.

As for your questions about liboggz:

  * yes it has been cross-compiled for ARM. We used it at CSIRO to
develop applications for Symbian-based phones. You can even strip down
the build to disable writing or reading support if you want to make it
smaller for your platform. It's also been extenhsively checked for
memory leaks, as these can be fatal on suc systems ;-) The Symbian
cross-compile to arm uses gcc.

 * if you additionally write an Ogg Skeleton track, as described at
http://wiki.xiph.org/OggSkeleton , then liboggz will be able to seek
on such files, provide timestamps for each packet in oggzdump and
show file durations in oggzinfo.

 * by doing this (writing Ogg Skeleton) you are free to make up your
own data format instead of using OggPCM. Then you can create custom
headers that are more appropriate for your application than those
provided by OggPCM (which are of course geared to audio). Being able
to wrap arbitrary data in Ogg was one of the design goals of Ogg

cheers, and thanks for the nice words about liboggz :-)


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