[neurosetta] Syncing huge collections.

Dan Berger dberger at oubliette.org
Thu Jul 24 18:54:42 PDT 2003

Not sure about ignoring case - but you might try the --size-only flag to
rsync and see if that prevents the same files being copied again and
again.  Alternatively, you can specify -t which will preserve file times
when copied and (on subsequent runs) might also help.

<p>On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 20:17, The Doctor What wrote:

> I read some suggestions for using rsync and all, but rsync doesn't
> like me; it copies the same files over and over again.  I think it's
> due to case problems.  I'm trying unison, but this is also a no go,
> since it reads the file in it's entirety to build a check sum, then
> updates it, then reads the file for another check sum (to be sure it
> copied).  Insanely safe and great for my Zaurus PDA, but it sucks
> for USB hard drives. :-/
> Is there another choice?  Or will I have to hack positron to get it
> to support something similar to Tridgel's rsync protocol?  I'm
> willing to do it, but I would like a faster temporary solution,
> because I won't have time to learn the code till the weekend after
> next. :-/
> Also: I assume I can send patches here for inclusion? Or where do I
> send them for positron?
> Again, this is because I'm updating ogg tags as well as re-ripping
> the oggs so they work with the current beta (and because when I
> listen to them vs. my -q5 encoded ones it sounds crappier).
> The rsync I tried was:
> rsync \
>       --delete-excluded -vrP \
>       --include '*.ogg' \
>       --include '*/' \
>       --exclude '*' \
>       /ogg/ /neuros/music/
> My mount options are:
> /dev/sda1       /neuros vfat defaults,user,noauto,nodev,sync,noatime,shortname=mixed 0 0
> I tried shortname=lower (the default) and several others, but this
> seemed to produce the most reliable translation.
> Can I get rsync to ignore case?
> Thanks.
> Ciao!


...Dan Berger [dberger at oubliette.org]
   Inter arma silent leges
   A982 E6B1 CB2F 7A49  843A 9297 DA73 4371  1F54 8D0C

   "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space

				- Larry Niven

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