[libannodex-dev] Re: libannodex-dev Digest, Vol 11, Issue 1

Andre Pang Andre.Pang at csiro.au
Mon Jan 10 04:32:40 EST 2005

On 06/01/2005, at 10:35 PM, Colum Foley wrote:

> I have been trying to install the annodex tools libcmml, liboggz and 
> libannodex. I have created all the correct libraries etc. However when 
> I try and run anxenc on a file, Windows reports an error and forces 
> the program to close. I am running Windows Xp Professional with 
> Service Pack 2 installed. This problem also occurs if I try to run an
> annodex file( downloaded from annodex.com) on VLC player. Is there 
> some compatability problem here.

How are you building those tools -- with Visual C++ 6, Visual Studio 
.NET, or via the command-line?

: André Pang (x4180)
: Software Engineer, Networked Media : CeNTIE

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