[Icecast] Public stats on beta

TDAS talldarkandstrange at icloud.com
Sun Jan 21 20:01:47 UTC 2024

Thanks - so 

>   <role type="anonymous" match-admin="publicstats,publicstats.json" deny-all="*" />

…worked, but also blocked all my mount points too! I guess I need to follow it with something like:

 <role type="anonymous" match-admin=“stream.mp3,stream.aac" allow-all="*" />

Or something else? But would that not open up the mount points for anonymous sources also?

> That endpoint is meant to be public

I find this really strange. I’ve never known of an installation of Icecast where they would be happy for anyone to know how many listeners they have. That kind of info is closely guarded (at least, in small radio stations in the UK). So for it to be exposed by default (and on the end of a secure URL), is a bit of a surprise. I would be in a bit of trouble if anyone had spotted it! :)

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