[Icecast] Upgrade problem?

Philipp Schafft phschafft at de.loewenfelsen.net
Mon Feb 12 11:35:30 UTC 2024

Good morning,

as nobody else jumped in, let me try to figure it out. :)

On Mon, 2024-02-05 at 16:33 -0700, Dave Serls wrote:
>  I'm using the Debian stable version 3.4.4-4 with the original ices.
>  Yes, that's correct. Up to 3.4.4-1  all has been well.
>  Some type of protocol error is producing:
>    EROR connection/_handle_connection HTTP request parsing failed  
>    EROR admin/admin_handle_request Error parsing command string or
>    unrecognised command: !POKE

POKE-requests are part of libshout performing detection of sever
features and bugs. This is for compatibility with both very old Icecast
servers or when for example talking to some other software that never
implemented everything.

>    on every change of tune.

I'm not sure about this part. My guess is that you talk to ICY metadata
updates in the legacy format support. From having a quick look at the
code, it might be true that libshout does a POKE here for every update.

>    Needless to say ices has not changed in many a moon.
>    What other icecast.xml change might produce this?

This is something related to libshout's implementation. So an update on
that might have changed things. Also keep in mind that this is purely
source client side, so this doesn't depend on the Icecast or it's
config at all.

So generally speaking this is totally fine to happen. And not a problem
at all. No actions required.
If in fact it does this for every update in the legacy code path that
is a bit unfortunate. Maybe we can have a look at that and see if we
can cache the result. But beside an error.log entry there is no harm to

Hope that helped! :)

With best regards,

Philipp Schafft (CEO/Geschäftsführer)
Telephone:           +49.3535 490 17 92
Website:             https://www.loewenfelsen.net/
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Geschäftsführer/CEO: Philipp Schafft

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