[Icecast] Upgrade problem?

Dave Serls dave at dashs.denver.co.us
Tue Feb 6 19:46:57 UTC 2024

On Mon, 5 Feb 2024 16:33:35 -0700
Dave Serls <dave at dashs.denver.co.us> wrote:

>  I'm using the Debian stable version 3.4.4-4 with the original ices.
>  Yes, that's correct. Up to 3.4.4-1  all has been well.
>  Some type of protocol error is producing:
>    EROR connection/_handle_connection HTTP request parsing failed  
>    EROR admin/admin_handle_request Error parsing command string or
>    unrecognised command: !POKE
>    on every change of tune.
>    Needless to say ices has not changed in many a moon.
>    What other icecast.xml change might produce this?

     Looks like it comes out of libshout 3.20 .
     Is this some kind of survey?

*   Dave Serls                                 Littleton, CO, USA      *
*   dashs.denver.co.us                         http://www.dashs.com    *

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