[Icecast] icecast2/ices2 don't work for iOS?

unosonic un at aporee.org
Sun Nov 19 14:21:23 UTC 2023

my knowledge may be outdated, haven't looked into it for a while, but I think it's 
because macos / ios have notoriously poor to no support for ogg...

Thomas Jensen:
> Hello
> I hope this question is okay:
> I have set up a radio with icecast2 and ices2. Everything works. I can
> access it from 
> http://radio.protestbandet.dk:8000/stream 
> and 
> http://radio.protestbandet.dk:8000
> I can listen to my radio in RadioDroid on my android phone, and I can
> listen via 
> https://liveonlineradio.net/horsens-garage-radio
> in Firefox on my computer with Ubuntu.
> But people on iPad/iPhone can not acces it!
> I get a nice mediaplayer in the browser on both pc and android, where I
> can start and stop the stream - but in the browser on the iPad there is
> no mediaplayer.
> On the site
> https://liveonlineradio.net/horsens-garage-radio
> it says "The station is currently offline"... But, of course, it is
> not.
> My wife did install "cutedio" internet radio app on her iPhone, and
> found my radio station, but it could not get access (it just keept on
> loading and nothing happened).
> So, what is the problem?
> Hope someone can help
> Best, 
> Thomas Jensen, Denmark
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