[Icecast] Succesfully set localhost server, now how can I do it public?

Kwame Bahena informatux at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 21:02:02 UTC 2020


You need to find out what is your public ip on your isp provider. Also, you
need to confirm that you actually have one because it's also possible that
you are nated, which means that there is no way to access your icecast
server from the public network.


On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 3:05 PM alejandro.lozano <
alejandro.lozano at protonmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I want to host my own server on my very own PC.
> I tried to put my public IP and my private IP on the config file but it
> didnt work neither ways.
> How can I host an Icecast server that can go public around the world?
> I did it locally and it worked but right now I don't know what I have to
> do. Thank you!
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