[Icecast] Blocking IP addresses on a per mountpoint level

Chip chiapas at aktivix.org
Thu Mar 26 12:49:28 UTC 2020


Indeed - but is it it possible to block IP addresses on a per mountpoint
level? For example, my user with /mountpointA.ogg does not mind being
hammered by connections from [example.com] but my user with
/mountpointB.ogg wants to block that IP address.

Using iptables I've blocked connections, at a server level, from example.com
for my User B but my User A doesn't mind their connection being probed once
per minute 24/7/365 by a badly-configured player from that IP address.

Thank you

Chip Scooter

On Thu, 26 Mar 2020 at 11:30, Marius Flage <marius at flage.org> wrote:

> I believe the easiest is just to do this using iptables ('iptables -A
> INPUT -s -j DROP'). There's also an geoip module available
> for iptables.
> --
> Marius
> On 26.03.2020 12:16, Chip wrote:
> Hi
> Several questions below:
> a) is it possible to block IP addresses on a per mountpoint level e.g. my
> user with /mountpointA.ogg does not mind being hammered by connections from
> [example.com] but my user with /mountpointB.ogg wants to
> block that IP address.
> b) is it possible to geoblock ranges of IP addresses and whole countries
> on a per mountpoint basis?
> c) what options do people use for geoblocking? I'm on a VPS so ipset is
> currently not an option.
> Many thanks in advance
> Chip Scooter
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