[Icecast] using Icecast source client as PulseAudio source

Per Gunnarsson mustafejen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 13:28:23 UTC 2020

If you want to pick up the sound from the icecast server mount point
this should work:

gst-launch-1.0 -v souphttpsrc
location=https://mustafejen.se:8443/verket.opus ! decodebin ! pulsesink

In this case the audio is picked up from the icecast server, not
directly from the icecast source client.

If you want to pick up the audio within the source client itself maybe
it's possible with pulsesrc (related to pulsesink).

I don't know much about how Cool Mic works (even if I use it everyday)
but I have had occasional contact with Cool Mic developers and they were
real nice. My suggestion is that you look for the Cool Mic contact


Same goes for pulseaudio.


Per Gunnarsson

On 2020-06-03 10:04, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> There are many Icecast source clients[1] available now.
> The Coolmic[2] app is particularly interesting because it can turn a
> Android phone (e.g. SmartLav+ lapel mic[3]) into a wearable mic for
> presenters.
> Not everybody is keen to run Icecast though, some people may want to
> mix-and-match the Icecast source clients like that with some other
> broadcasting platform, Jitsi Meet[4], Zoom or whatever.
> Is there any documented way to make the Icecast source client appear as
> a source in PulseAudio so that any arbitrary application can use the
> sound feed as if it was a local microphone?  For example, has anybody
> tried to do this with PulseAudio module-pipe-source[5] or
> module-tunnel-source[6]?
> We can already do stuff like this with video, for example, using the
> v4l2loopback kernel module with gstreamer.  I provided a very trivial[7]
> script for that and it would be interesting to have a parallel example
> for audio.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> 1. https://icecast.org/apps/
> 2. https://coolmic.net/
> 3. https://www.rode.com/microphones/smartlav-plus
> 4. https://meet.jit.si
> 5.
> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Modules/#module-pipe-source
> 6.
> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Modules/#module-tunnel-source-new
> 7. https://gitlab.com/freertc/gstreamer-chroma-key
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