[Icecast] multiple instances? Updated

A. Craig West acraigwest at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 11:44:45 UTC 2019

The key thing about mount points is that you need to configure them in the
source clients. Configuring them on the icecast server can be useful, but
is optional, and even if you do that, you still have to configure the mount
points themselves in the source client as well.

On Tue, 10 Sep 2019, 06:46 wilderzone.radio.2, <wilderzone.radio.2 at gmail.com>

> Hello, Thomas_B._Rücker,
> Thank you.
> ======= At 2019-09-10, 03:33:35 you wrote: =======
> >Hi,
> >
> >On 9/10/19 6:41 AM, wilderzone.radio.2 wrote:
> >> Hello, Thomas_B._Rücker,
> >>
> >> Initially I was asking for a working example file with more than one
> stream instance. Something that I can take as an example to work from.
> >
> >
> >It took us quite a few emails to get to what your setup actually looks
> like.
> >So the initial ideas didn't work. Iterating over things is often
> necessary.
> >
> >Without further ado and "geek speak" or "trolling", here's what should
> >work for you:
> >
> ><icecast>
> ><hostname>wilderZone</hostname>
> ><location>My Wilderness</location>
> ><admin>wilderzone.radio at gmail.com</admin>
> >    <listen-socket>
> >        <port>8080</port>
> >        <shoutcast-mount>/rock</shoutcast-mount>
> >    </listen-socket>
> >    <listen-socket>
> >        <port>8082</port>
> >        <shoutcast-mount>/blues</shoutcast-mount>
> >    </listen-socket>
> ><limits>
> >   <clients>20</clients>
> >    <sources>4</sources>
> >    <queue-size>524288</queue-size>
> >     <client-timeout>30</client-timeout>
> >    <header-timeout>15</header-timeout>
> >    <source-timeout>10</source-timeout>
> >    <burst-on-connect>1</burst-on-connect>
> >    <burst-size>65535</burst-size>
> ></limits>
> ><authentication>
> ><source-password>NotaRealPassword</source-password>
> ><relay-password>NotaRealPassword</relay-password>
> ><admin-user>admin</admin-user>
> ><admin-password>NotaRealPassword</admin-password>
> ></authentication>
> ><http-headers>
> >    <header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*"/>
> ></http-headers>
> ><fileserve>1</fileserve>
> ><paths>
> ><logdir>./log</logdir>
> ><webroot>./web</webroot>
> ><adminroot>./admin</adminroot>
> ><alias source="/" destination="/status.xsl"/>
> ></paths>
> ><logging>
> ><accesslog>access.log</accesslog>
> ><errorlog>error.log</errorlog>
> ><loglevel>3</loglevel>
> ><logsize>10000</logsize>
> ></logging>
> ></icecast>
> >
> >I won't bore you with the "tech gibberish". Once you run Icecast with
> >the above settings, you can:
> >
> >Point "SAM" or "DNAS" at your server and port 8080 to broadcast to
> >"http://yourhostname:8080/rock"
> >Point "SAM" or "DNAS" at your server and port 8082 to broadcast to
> >"http://yourhostname:8080/blues"
> >
> >That's it. It took a while for us all here on the mailing list together
> >to find all the details necessary, but in the end it is indeed simple.
> >
> >
> >TBR
> >
> >
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> >Icecast at xiph.org
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> Best regards.
> Foxxe
> wilderzone.radio.2 at gmail.com
>   thewilderzone.sytes.net
> wilderzone.radio.2 at gmail.com
> 2019-09-10
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