[Icecast] multiple instances? Updated

wilderzone.radio.2 wilderzone.radio.2 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 15:34:57 UTC 2019

Hello, Thomas_B._Rücker,

======= At 2019-09-09, 08:36:43 you wrote: =======

>I am not familiar with a file called "icecast_run.xml".
>Could this be a local modification to your installation?
>You should be able to check which one is used by opening the
>"icecast.bat" file that you are using to start the server.

aha!! You nailed it! I have no idea why but the package I downloaded months ago (Icecast v2.4.3)
came with the batchfile premade and the actual configs seem to be this oddly named file... (I recall being confused as to why there would be TWO config files, but I've seen stranger things in the past so I editted both to reflect my needs...) 

So here is the actual working config: 

Now I don't see anywhere in which I can put the extra mount points 
(nor do I recall a port designation for the 2nd stream mentioned at all tonight).

<hostname>wilder Zone</hostname>
<location>My Wilderness</location>
<admin>wilderzone.radio at gmail.com</admin>
    <header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*"/>
<alias source="/" destination="/status.xsl"/>

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Best regards.				 

wilderzone.radio.2 at gmail.com
wilderzone.radio.2 at gmail.com

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