[Icecast] Why "has fallen too far behind"?

subscription at nextdial.com.br subscription at nextdial.com.br
Wed May 23 01:46:05 UTC 2018

 We are seeing in Firebase this kind of errors:
eption: Response code: 401
 So, after 12h trying to reproduce the error we saw what's happening. If 
the listener connection buffer due to anything, Icecast remove it's 
connection and log the item bellow:
     [2018-05-22  23:17:24] INFO source/send_to_listener Client 220977 
(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) has fallen too far behind, removing
 My question is:
  	Why Icecast need to do this? 	Why the client can't reconnect? 	The error 
401 is when the client tries to reconnect and our auth deny? 

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