[Icecast] Procedure to Install Icecast 2.4.2 in Linux

Philipp Schafft lion at lion.leolix.org
Mon Nov 2 07:17:10 UTC 2015

Good morning,

On Sun, 2015-11-01 at 18:12 -0500, Jeremiah Rogers wrote:
> Hi all. I'm brand new to Linux and want to install Icecast 2.4.2 on Raspian.
> I used apt-get to install Icecast 2.4.0, and the install would stream 
> music, but none of the status or admin pages would work. I ran the 
> install by typing sudo apt-get install icecast2 from ~.

Ok, that sounds right.

What error message you get when accessing those pages?

> I thought I might get better results if I built and installed myself. 
> Anyone able to provide step-by-step instructions to unpack and build 
> from the tar.gz, or point me to a good tutorial online for doing such? 
> In particular, which directory should I be in to initiate the work? Do I 
> need to use sudo? Once installed, what do I do to make it run on system 
> boot? I will be running this install from a fresh image. Thanks!

I very much recommend against installing stuff from source. This is not
so much related to Icecast2 but a general statement.

The reasons why I recommend using pre-compiled packages are as the
following. The importance of individual aspects vary depending on your
      * You will not get updates. You will likely never notice that
        there are updates out there. This is a big problem as no
        SECURITY fixes can reach you. Thus installing stuff from source
        can be very harmful.
      * Most people install stuff from source without verifying the
        source. (Or have no way to really verify it at all as they're
        (cryptographically speaking) too far away from the source. So
        you will run a software that may be altered on it's path to you
        (this includes everything from simple transmission errors to
        attacks specially targeted to you). Thus you can not trust the
        software most of the time. Once your ran any untrusted software
        your system must be considered compromised.
      * The package is made to fit your system while the source is not.
        e.g. the package usually installs scripts and helper files to
        e.g. start a daemon on system start up or intigrate with tools
        like logrotate. You need to do all that yourself and may or may
        not aware of all those things. See your question above. You have
        asked for it already so you got this point already :).
      * If people run the package provided by the OS it's more easy to
        handle bugs. There is a single packet that you can report bugs
        against and the maintainer can upstream bugs or cooperate with
        upstream in any way to solve problems. If you run your own
        package you need to take care yourself.
      * You waste energy. Compiling is process taking a lot of energy.
        And there is no reason for the mass do to this as the
        pre-compiled binaries are matching your system virtually
        perfectly. Energy is the ONLY single one resource on this planet
        we are RUNNING OUT OF.

So for the reasons above I would prefer to work on fixing the problem
above and not go with source code. Plus I think you will learn a bit
about the system that is new to you. :)

Have a nice day! Awaiting your response with the error message(s).

 (Rah of PH2)
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