[Icecast] upgrading icecast to 2.4.1

Jonathan jonathancandler_msa at q.com
Wed Feb 25 20:59:41 UTC 2015

I'm thinking about adding my headers, but, if I do that, how would I go 
about coding that into a web page?

On 2/25/2015 1:45 PM, "Thomas B. Rücker" wrote:
> On 02/25/2015 08:08 PM, Jonathan wrote:
>> Done that and all works... Thanks. and I could still use my old config
>> file with all of my settings in it? Because that is what I'm still using
>> now.
> Yes, we're ensuring backwards compatibility with mainline Icecast releases.
> If you are planning to use the JSON API directly from browsers, you
> should add the headers though.
>      <http-headers>
>          <header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
>      </http-headers>
> For the rest I'd recommend release notes of all versions in between and
> documentation.
> http://icecast.org/docs/icecast-2.4.1/config-file.html
> Cheers
> Thomas
>> On 2/25/2015 12:22 PM, "Thomas B. Rücker" wrote:
>>> On 02/25/2015 07:17 PM, Jonathan wrote:
>>>> I will send you the errors first and then the modified script.
>>>> Adding official Icecast repository for Ubuntu 14.04
>>>> add-icecast-repo: line 4: $'\r': command not found
>>>> Importing GPG key for official Icecast repository
>>>> "pg: Invalid option "-
>>>> add-icecast-repo: line 7: $'\r': command not found
>>>> Now, here is my script that I have changed
>>> Was Windows somehow involved in obtaining or transferring the script?
>>> Try running "dos2unix add-icecast-repo" and then retry running the script.
>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>> echo Adding official Icecast repository for Ubuntu 14.04
>>>> sudo sh -c "echo deb
>>>> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/dm8tbr/xUbuntu_14.04/ ./
>>>>    >>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/icecast.list"
>>>> echo Importing GPG key for official Icecast repository
>>>> wget -qO -
>>>> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/dm8tbr/xUbuntu_14.04/Release.key
>>>> | sudo apt-key add -
>>> I guess that looks fine (slightly mangled by Thunderbird).
>>> Cheers
>>> Thomas
>>>> On 2/25/2015 12:00 PM, "Thomas B. Rücker" wrote:
>>>>> On 02/25/2015 06:40 PM, Jonathan wrote:
>>>>>> Just wondering, are the commands to upgrade icecast 2.3.2 to icecast
>>>>>> version 2.4.1 the same in Ubuntu 12.04 as they are in Ubuntu 14.04? I
>>>>>> do have Ubuntu 14.04 and I have tried the bash script but modified the
>>>>>> links a little bit to reflect the Ubuntu 14.04 distro, but keep
>>>>>> getting errors and got an invalid extension in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
>>>>> Did you use the commands from the previously attached script?
>>>>> The inline commands were malformed.
>>>>> The repository URL for 14.04 is:
>>>>> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/dm8tbr/xUbuntu_14.04/
>>>>> I actually tested the script (with the 14.04 URL) on my 14.04 machine
>>>>> before I originally sent it, so after fixing the URL it should have worked.
>>>>> What error messages are you getting?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> PS: Seeing, that there is demand for this, I'm going to see to get this
>>>>> information added to the download page of icecast.org
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