[Icecast] suggestion on appropriate source client

genocid3 genocid3ita at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 15:48:28 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

i would like to have some suggestion about the most appropriate source
client to use in conjunction with IceCast2 given few requirements:

1) the client should be able to handle multiple streams simultaneously and
thus multiple resource folders (for music files).
2) the client should be able to be programmatically manipulated (scripting
or API) and can thus provide a dynamic way to add or remove mountpoints to
icecast and manage the related music sources.
3) i am pretty much going to stream only music files (no dj's or live
4) i  would prefer something OpenSource.
5) the client should be able to automatically detect changes in music
folders and automatically updated the related playlist (eg i drop an mp3 to
the /mount1/ music folder and the appropriate playlist for that particular
stream gets updated).
6) should provide fallbacks when empty music folders are present (eg.
stream "silence").

Please be gentle, its my first post :)

Thank you in advance!,


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those who don't...the other 14 just don't care.
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