[Icecast] Ices source streaming client - timing out at 25 seconds when sending 300 streams (mount points)

"Thomas B. Rücker" thomas at ruecker.fi
Wed Feb 19 07:09:35 UTC 2014

On 02/19/2014 01:49 AM, Chitra Kalle wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to simulate load on on the icecast server using ices
> source streaming client. I have setup 300 mount points and using the
> same playlist to send to one icecast server. However, I see that the
> icecast server is timing out because the source is not sending the
> data fast enough.
So you have only one Ices2 process? I think that's well beyond what
Ices2 has been tested for.

> Could anyone please explain the internal workings of ices streaming
> client and how it sends the streams to different mount points? Is it
> in a round robin fashion? Or spawning different threads to handle the
> multiple TCP connections?

Would need to look at the code myself.
But if it's just load testing with source connections you're after you
could try finding a "safe" value and then just start multiple ices

I know there are Icecast instances with up to 2000 concurrent streams.
Although I think those are patched/customized versions. Still a couple
of hundred source connections should be working fine.

Hope that helps.

Thomas B. Ruecker

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