[Icecast] Sporadic Issues

michel memeteau michel.memeteau at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 13:00:53 UTC 2013

2013/2/27 José Luis Artuch <artuch at speedy.com.ar>

> The stream in ogg is never present or is not present only when the mp3
> stream is down ?.

No if a browser does not support mp3 it will jump to the ogg source, same
the other way. you use the same for H264/webm fallback

> Are you using Icecast2 ? ... In http://www.radiogalere.org:8080 I can
> not see mountpoints :(

To enable shoutcast ( www.radiogalere.org:8443 ) to relay our icecast we
made a link from http://www.radiogalere.org:8080

and move the status page to http://www.radiogalere.org:8080/status  :-)

> I have not made many tests on "burst" and I've left burst values that
> icecast.xml has by default:
> <burst-on-connect>0</burst-on-connect>
> <burst-size>65535</burst-size>

> What values do you use ?.

I activated Burst 65k, and my html5 players start right away , do everybody
confirm ?
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