[Icecast] how to use the stdin module?

José Luis Artuch artuch at speedy.com.ar
Mon Feb 11 13:58:32 UTC 2013

El dom, 10-02-2013 a las 17:47 -0300, José Luis Artuch escribió:

> El dom, 10-02-2013 a las 10:07 +0200, Rücker Thomas escribió: 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On 10/02/13 06:53, José Luis Artuch wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > I'm understanding why Icecast2 is an audio server, wow !!!
> > > http://www.icecast.org/docs/icecast-2.0.1/icecast2_config_file.html
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > We're not an 'audio server', that's pulse-audio, esd, etc.
> > territory.
> > We're a multimedia streaming server. Slight difference. :)
> > 
> Hello Thomas.
> That is, I agree, I was paying attention to only one part ! :))
> A few days ago I was surprised to see how easily the mountpoints are
> created, even video.
> > 
> > 
> > > Testing the relay option:
> > > Two mountpoints from two master servers are relayed to a relay
> > > server:
> > > 
> > >       Master Servers
> > > Relay Server
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >  --->
> > >
> > > http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/ambient.ogg  --->
> > >
> > > 
> > > I guess there is no limit for the number of signals to be relayed.
> > 
> > 
> > There should be no limit to the number of relays, or at least it
> > will be much higher than people will usually go...
> > BUT, did you check the source connection limit? Default is 2 or 3
> > and you might be running into that (relays should count as sources
> > too IIRC).
> > Generally it helps to read the error.log to see what is happening.
> > 
> Exactly, the relays are considered as sources and I had to increase
> the number of sources.
> If the number of sources is less than needed, the Relay Server sources
> take precedence over the Master Servers sources (I should try this
> again).

It seems so. To gradually reduce the number of sources are deleted
relayed mountpoints.

> > 
> > 
> > > A mountpoint name with less than three characters does not
> > > work !! ... uuffff ... ("xx.ogg" does not work, "xxx.ogg" works).
> > 
> > 
> > hmh? Can you be more specific about how I can reproduce this here?
> > This sounds like a possible bug.
> > 
> Now I'm thinking that when "xx.ogg" not work may have been <on_demand>
> seted in "1" and this may have been the reason that did not occur the
> mountpoint (I should try this again).
> During the test I had the Relay Server with a mountpoint due to Ices2
> (both running on the same machine) and two Master Servers with relayed
> mountpoints (two separate machines).

Again, now four mountpoints. One from the Relay Server and three relayed
from two Masters Servers.
The names of the mountpoints are very short and everything works ok,
even without an extension (
During the previous test <on_demand> must have been set to
"1" ... :( ... excuse me !!!!

      Master Servers
Relay Server  --->
http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/ambient.ogg  --->
http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/ambient.ogg  --->

> > 
> > 
> > > What about <on-demand> 0 </ on-demand> ?. I used "0" and "1" but I
> > > did not notice changes.
> > 
> > 
> > If set to 1, this will make Icecast only pull in the relay if there
> > are also listeners connected to the stream locally.
> > 
> > HTH
> > 
> > Thomas
> > 
> At this time I can but I SHOULD NOT DO tests on the servers :))) I
> will try tomorrow morning.
> Thank you very much !!
> José Luis
> > > El sáb, 09-02-2013 a las 23:01 -0300, José Luis Artuch escribió:
> > > 
> > > > Ah ... thanks Dave, will give light to the subject:
> > > >     <relay>
> > > >         <server></server>
> > > >         <port>8001</port>
> > > >         <mount>/example.ogg</mount>
> > > >         <local-mount>/different.ogg</local-mount>
> > > >         <on-demand>0</on-demand>
> > > > 
> > > >         <relay-shoutcast-metadata>0</relay-shoutcast-metadata>
> > > >     </relay>
> > > > 
> > > > El sáb, 09-02-2013 a las 20:52 -0500, Dave Pascoe escribió: 
> > > > 
> > > > > You are looking for the <relay> element not <proxy>
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 8:48 PM, José Luis Artuch
> > > > > <artuch at speedy.com.ar> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > >         Ok Xabier, thank you very much.
> > > > >         I do not find a <proxy> section in the config file,
> > > > >         but I will investigate a bit about this.
> > > > >         
> > > > >         El dom, 10-02-2013 a las 00:17 +0100, Xabier Oneca --
> > > > >         xOneca escribió: 
> > > > >         
> > > > >         
> > > > >         > I was trying to tell you so. I'm not at home, so I
> > > > >         > can't tell you exactly how it is done, but I
> > > > >         > remember a <proxy> section in Icecast config file
> > > > >         > where you can tell the source stream and where to
> > > > >         > mount locally.
> > > > >         > 
> > > > >         > But as I have said before, see the Icecast
> > > > >         > documentation for more details (or perhaps the
> > > > >         > original config file also has comments for
> > > > >         > configuring it).
> > > > >         > 
> > > > >         > El 10/02/2013 00:12, "José Luis Artuch"
> > > > >         > <artuch at speedy.com.ar> escribió:
> > > > >         > 
> > > > >         >         Xabier, I mean vlc + Ices2 + Icecast2, I do
> > > > >         >         not know because I do not work with Windows.
> > > > >         >         Very interesting a proxi with Icecast2, I
> > > > >         >         will study. I have saved a lot of work, why
> > > > >         >         do not you tell me before ? :))
> > > > >         >         
> > > > >         >         El sáb, 09-02-2013 a las 23:28 +0100, Xabier
> > > > >         >         Oneca -- xOneca escribió:
> > > > >         >         
> > > > >         >         > But you don't need VLC nor Ices2 to build
> > > > >         >         > a proxy with Icecast. It can connect to a
> > > > >         >         > stream and proxy it. I have tested it with
> > > > >         >         > a SHOUTCast server proxied through an
> > > > >         >         > Icecast mount point.
> > > > >         >         > 
> > > > >         >         > Why shouldn't work in Windows?
> > > > >         >         > 
> > > > >         >         > El 09/02/2013 22:43, "José Luis Artuch"
> > > > >         >         > <artuch at speedy.com.ar> escribió:
> > > > >         >         > 
> > > > >         >         >         Perhaps I've done something
> > > > >         >         >         similar but on Debian and not know
> > > > >         >         >         if it will work in Windows.
> > > > >         >         >         I've used vlc to receive any audio
> > > > >         >         >         from the Internet and ices2 as a
> > > > >         >         >         source client. It works perfectly
> > > > >         >         >         fine as a repeater.
> > > > >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         El sáb, 09-02-2013 a las 22:23
> > > > >         >         >         +0100, Xabier Oneca -- xOneca
> > > > >         >         >         escribió:
> > > > >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         > Is the stream a MP3 stream? If
> > > > >         >         >         > so, you can use Icecast as a
> > > > >         >         >         > proxy (see documentation).
> > > > >         >         >         > 
> > > > >         >         >         > El 09/02/2013 22:05, "Michael
> > > > >         >         >         > Renner" <michael.renner at gmx.de>
> > > > >         >         >         > escribió:
> > > > >         >         >         > 
> > > > >         >         >         >         Moin,
> > > > >         >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         >         I compiled icecast under
> > > > >         >         >         >         cygwin (yes, I have to
> > > > >         >         >         >         use Windows 7 togehter
> > > > >         >         >         >         with
> > > > >         >         >         >         cygwin).
> > > > >         >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         >         The audio stream that I
> > > > >         >         >         >         want to distribute come
> > > > >         >         >         >         from stdin, like I get
> > > > >         >         >         >         it from
> > > > >         >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         >         curl
> > > > >         >         >         >         http://streamingserver.foo.bar/stream/stream.php |
> > > > >         >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         >         But how to proceed?
> > > > >         >         >         >         Should I just pipe this
> > > > >         >         >         >         to | icecast -c
> > > > >         >         >         >         etc/icecast.xml?
> > > > >         >         >         >         It does not work.
> > > > >         >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         >         Thanks for any hint!
> > > > >         >         >         >         --
> > > > >         >         >         >         |Michael Renner
> > > > >         >         >         >          E-mail:
> > > > >         >         >         >         michael.renner at gmx.de  |
> > > > >         >         >         >         |81541 Munich
> > > > >         >         >         >          skype:
> > > > >         >         >         >         michael.renner.gmx.de
> > > > >         >         >         >         |
> > > > >         >         >         >         |Germany
> > > > >         >         >         >         Don't drink as root!
> > > > >         >         >         >            ESC:wq
> > > > >         >         >         >         _______________________________________________
> > > > >         >         >         >         Icecast mailing list
> > > > >         >         >         >         Icecast at xiph.org
> > > > >         >         >         >         http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast 
> > > > >         >         >         > 
> > > > >         >         >         > _______________________________________________
> > > > >         >         >         > Icecast mailing list
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> > > > >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         >         
> > > > >         >         
> > > > >         >         
> > > > >         >         
> > > > >         
> > > > >         
> > > > >         
> > > > >         
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> > > > >         Icecast mailing list
> > > > >         Icecast at xiph.org
> > > > >         http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast
> > > > >         
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > Icecast mailing list
> > > > Icecast at xiph.org
> > > > http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Icecast mailing list
> > Icecast at xiph.org
> > http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/icecast
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