[Icecast] Icecast WebM support and much more

Krad Radio kradradio at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 07:11:22 UTC 2012


I've been working on WebM support for Icecast, and I'm looking for a few
power-users or developers that can work with me on a semi-informal basis to
fully test things out, determine what is wanted where and all of those good
things. I've been working on things in a cave so to speak, but I am opening
things up as much and as fast as I can now. It would be most useful if
whomever is interested in being a part of this could be on the icecast irc
channel. What I am specifically looking for is people who can stick around
and test iterations, give feedback and so on. If you are just an icecast
user that wants flawlessly working WebM streaming without to much fuss, I
advise you to just wait a few weeks.

Building the icecast server with my patch is easy, but I have also
developed some source clients that can stream files, webcam, overlay
graphics and so on, building those right now is a hassle but I am working
quickly to make it not a hassle, and should even have an ubuntu ppa very

I also have an array of other software that I am going to open source in
the coming days/weeks ( the main issue is making things buildable/usable as
stand alone daemons) that is likely of much interest to icecast users,
things such as server side mixing with realtime websocket based control,
source client daemons and so on that make it possible to run something
around 100 unique radio stations on a single server. Basically everything
you ever wanted to do with internet radio ;) It sounds like an insane
claim, and it is, but I have literally been working on all of this in my
secret base for the last year.

Anyways, I'll link up to some code and demonstration videos now, some of
the code is a _huge_ mess and some is perfectly clean, that is how I evolve
my software. Right now I'm just trying to gather up who is interested and
hopefully in a short amount of hours things will start to make more sense.

This is the icecast patch for WebM support:

This is the Krad EBML library that handles the parsing of EBML (What WebM
and MKV are based on): https://github.com/krad-radio/krad_ebml_experimental

In the Krad EBML repo, the library itself has no dependencies, but all of
the tools and toys there have all kinds of dependencies.

If your interested in server side mixing and all the rest, take a look here
for some videos and text about it: http://kradradio.com/about

Technical details aside, my goal in all of this is to enable people with
the most basic of web skills to be able to run a live continually
broadcasting radio or TV station with all of the capabilities of the brick
and mortar version. Fast computers, fast internet, microphones and webcam's
are everywhere, all we need is better software.


David Richards

oneman on freenode irc
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