[Icecast] Any roadmap on WebM Support ?

Romain Beauxis toots at rastageeks.org
Mon Jan 31 02:03:40 UTC 2011

Le dimanche 30 janvier 2011 03:54:10, michel memeteau a écrit :
> Is there some evolution on Webm support, does it need a lot of changes
> in Libshout for example ? or does the code structure of icecast makes
> it easy to add new containers/codecs ?

Well the interesting question is: "Is webm streamable?". I don't know much 
about it nut webm is wrapped into a matroska-based container which I am not 
sure is streamable, maybe someone more knowledgable could comment on that..

Alternatively, there seems to be a ogg mapping for vp8 floating around:
If WebM turns out to not be streamable, then this mapping could be used and 
would work in icecast. Howver you would need to implement its parsing in the 


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