[Icecast] Encoding on a "dumb" pc

un at dom.de un at dom.de
Sun Sep 5 21:07:57 UTC 2010

check the locusonus project and their streambox, that may give you 
some ideas. they use linux wifi routers for their open mic project. 

Phil - w2lie:
> I'm in the process of trying to build a project, and I'm hoping that 
> someone on the list can help me out.
> I have an Icecast server already running, and some feeds coming in from 
> Simplecast, Edcast, and DarkIce.  These encoders are obviously on 
> computers owned by users who can setup feeds are send them to my Icecast 
> server remotely.
> What I am looking for, is a small PC that is capable of running DarkIce 
> that I can deploy and have it work turn-key.  Basically, lease out these 
> boxes so the end user just needs to plug it in to the wall, plug it into 
> the network, and plug something into the line in.
> I was looking at purchasing a few Linksys NSLU2's for the project as 
> they are usually below $50 with shipping, but I was told that since they 
> use a FPU, they can not run DarkIce.  It also won't power up after a 
> power failure unless you hack the hardware.  Does anyone know of 
> anything equivalent to the NSLU2 that will work for a "dumb" pc like 
> that?  Would I be ok going with older and cheaper ThinClients?
> I'm looking at deploying a fair number of these boxes, so I can't spend 
> $300 each.  I was really hoping to keep it on the cheap and around $50 a 
> box.  (insert laughter here)
> Thanks for the help
> Phil
> -- 
> www.w2lie.net
> Long Island Live Scanner Feeds and Forums
> Scanner Programming at w2lie.net
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> e-mail: sales at w2lie.net
> phone: (347) 829-SCAN
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