[Icecast] Encoding on a "dumb" pc

Phil - w2lie w2lie at w2lie.net
Sun Sep 5 20:51:44 UTC 2010

I'm in the process of trying to build a project, and I'm hoping that 
someone on the list can help me out.

I have an Icecast server already running, and some feeds coming in from 
Simplecast, Edcast, and DarkIce.  These encoders are obviously on 
computers owned by users who can setup feeds are send them to my Icecast 
server remotely.

What I am looking for, is a small PC that is capable of running DarkIce 
that I can deploy and have it work turn-key.  Basically, lease out these 
boxes so the end user just needs to plug it in to the wall, plug it into 
the network, and plug something into the line in.

I was looking at purchasing a few Linksys NSLU2's for the project as 
they are usually below $50 with shipping, but I was told that since they 
use a FPU, they can not run DarkIce.  It also won't power up after a 
power failure unless you hack the hardware.  Does anyone know of 
anything equivalent to the NSLU2 that will work for a "dumb" pc like 
that?  Would I be ok going with older and cheaper ThinClients?

I'm looking at deploying a fair number of these boxes, so I can't spend 
$300 each.  I was really hoping to keep it on the cheap and around $50 a 
box.  (insert laughter here)

Thanks for the help

Long Island Live Scanner Feeds and Forums

Scanner Programming at w2lie.net
e-mail: sales at w2lie.net
phone: (347) 829-SCAN

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