[Icecast] Streaming to Doja devices

Geoff Shang Geoff at QuiteLikely.com
Tue Oct 23 12:31:20 UTC 2007


Actually, I thought that Icecast did support seeking for static files.  Of 
course it doesn't for a live stream.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas B. Ruecker" <dm8tbr at afthd.tu-darmstadt.de>
To: "Horacio Sanson" <hsanson at gmail.com>; <icecast at xiph.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Icecast] Streaming to Doja devices

Horacio Sanson schrieb:
> Doja devices (NTT Mobile Phones) are very limited in their
> connectivity capabilities and was wondering if icecast can help me
> overcome them. The first limitation is that they only support HTTP
> that as I can see would not be a problem with icecast. The second
> limitation is that these Doja devices cannot transfer more than 150KB
> of data per HTTP connection so I can not simply establish one
> connection to the streaming server (keep-alive) and download all the
> stream.
> So the question is if icecast supports some sort of burst mode were I
> can establish connections in sequence and download pieces of the
> stream each time. I saw some burst related options in the
> configuration file but looks like is only for connection establishment
> and after that we get a continuous stream of data.
> If someone knows a streaming server that can send data in bursts of
> specific size I would greatly appreciate the information.
maybe not streaming, but seeking inside a file. many http servers
support this. But it would need a special piece of software on the
device to make those requests. icecast certainly will not do what you want.


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