[Icecast] Switch back to mount after fallback

Geoff Shang geoff at QuiteLikely.com
Fri May 25 16:04:52 UTC 2007


That's what fallback-override is meant to do. Are you saying that it's not 
working for you?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Claus Malter" <debian at sprayen.de>
To: <icecast at xiph.org>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 6:22 PM
Subject: [Icecast] Switch back to mount after fallback

Hello icecast user,

That's my first post to this list, because everything works fine :) But
now I'm missing a feature and I'm not sure if it is possible to realise.

I have two mounts. Only one defined in the configuration:


If gast.ogg goes offline it fallback to offline.ogg. Works fine.

But now I'm interested in switching back to gast.ogg when it comes back
again. I've seen that I can move clients from one mount point to the
other by using the web-interface. But I want it done automatically.

Is that possible by any way?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


Claus Malter <debian sprayen dot de>
GnuPG-ID: 0x08B86210 http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
Blog: http://claus.freakempire.de/
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