[Icecast] <relay> password

Klauss Fumuldavijus dnr at freemail.lt
Fri Sep 8 10:42:37 UTC 2006


i'm trying to setup a single broadcast relay, but parent streamer uses url authentication for mounts.
for a moment i can't understand even how should I authenticate - using url user/pass or using <relay-password>?
What tags in <relay> should be used to pass username and password or to pas <relay-password> to parent streamer?

ps: if parent streamer has <authentication><relay-password> fields set and uses unprotected mountpoints - why anyone can relay the stream? (is see "User Agent = Icecast 2.3.1") ?
maybe there should be some aditional tags in <mount>...for example <mount><relaying>protected</relaying></mount>?

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